“Two weeks ago, the doctors told us they were ready for surgery. It was a big shock for our family. There is still no doubt in Ashraf’s mind. My brother is the type of person who, no matter what misfortunate circumstance comes his way, continues to be a good person.”
My brother Ashraf and I are similar in a lot of ways. One thing we both loved was basketball. My fondest memory with him was when we were kids in Chicago. One day there was a blizzard, but Ashraf said, ‘let's go play basketball.’ So we went outside and took the ball and started playing. I just remember laughing and slipping on the floor. It was so much fun. That's just the way he is; he takes the worst situations and he makes them best.
In November of 2019, we found out about my dad's kidney failure. Obviously, it was very detrimental to everybody. Kidney failure is a silent disease: you feel great until one day, you don't. My brother and my father have a beautiful father and son relationship, so when we found out Ashraf was a match, he stepped up like he was born to do this.
My brother also just had his first son. So I guess he knew what it meant to have that special bond. Preparing for the surgery was a very long process because we had to go through many tests and then COVID-19 hit. Then, everything became uncertain. But throughout all of it, my brother pushed through. He never backed down once.
We went so long without a definite answer of what would happen, but just two weeks ago, the doctors told us they were ready for surgery. It was a big shock for our family. There is still no doubt in Ashraf’s mind. My brother is the type of person who, no matter what misfortunate circumstance comes his way, continues to be a good person. The selflessness that he has is unsurpassed.
When you're young, you have a different kind of relationship. You're playing basketball and you're outside in the snow and you're laughing together. It’s a different kind of bond. Then you grow up. I have three kids and he has four kids. You look at life differently. You relate to somebody differently. You're both parents, you both have responsibilities. But we are always supportive of each other, just as a brother and a sister should be. We love each other, we talk to each other, we are there for each other. There is no better way to be supportive of somebody than through love.